Friday, July 16, 2004

Drinking age

Peter Coors is being lambasted for proposing a return to the 18-year legal drinking age. Some pundits suggest that as the executive of a brewery, he is merely acting in his own interest.

I don't know why he proposes it but I agree with it and I'll tell you why. It's a State matter. It's been made a Federal matter by Washington twisting arms in the State capitols---change your drinking age to 21 or lose your highway funding. Change your blood alcohol content DUI threshold to .08 or lose your highway funding. Build light rail that costs more per passenger mile than buying people hybrid gas-electric cars, and build it with money you would have used for more highway lanes instead, or lose your highway funding.

Transportation isn't the only area where States are merely puppets of the Federal government. Housing, insurance, banking, you name it. It has to stop.


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