Saturday, June 05, 2004

Plank: federalism

Don't call me a conservative, though I assert the right to keep and bear arms. Don't call me a liberal, though I assert that the war on some drugs is wrong and counterproductive. Don't call me a libertarian, because that's just going to allow you to misunderstand me, especially if you're looking for a soundbite and choose the preceding three sentences to craft one.

Call me a federalist. The war on drugs will go away, promptly, if the Federal government stepped back from it and refused to fund it any further.

The war on guns, however, will persist, unfortunately, if all of the NFAs and GCAs went way tomorrow. Most of the threat is coming from the States. Federalism has a role to play here too, but that will take me more time to articulate. Please be patient and keep reading.


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