Sunday, June 13, 2004

military draft: NO

I will not support a military draft. The folks who are pushing a draft at present do so for the wrong reasons.

As a servicemember, I assure you I don't want an unwilling draftee serving with me. I won't be able to depend on him or her.

As a citizen, I don't want the government forcing people into the services. Either people like me or people unlike me, it doesn't matter. If they don't value the society they'd be fighting for enough to risk life and limb to protect it, they'd do more harm than good forced into uniform.


At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additionally, the draft process is devisive. It selects a certain demographic of people and lends itself to evasion by the priviledged and connected. Which means the ones that come home are now combat skilled and efficient with fire arms. Perfect for leveling justice...if so inclined. Go Big Red!


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