Saturday, June 05, 2004


Can't run for Senate today. I am a senior noncommissioned officer in the United States Air Force and might therefore be prohibited from seeking elective office, I think (wait---wasn't Jake Garn both a US Senator from Utah, and an Air National Guard officer?). I would hire an attorney to investigate whether I lawfully can campaign, but I'd have to pay that attorney from funds I'd have to raise from the campaign, which I'm not sure I can do until I've heard from an attorney. Catch-22.

So I'll be developing my platform, bullet points, soundbites, and supporters in this blogspace until I either retire or can determine whether the Catch-22 really applies to me.

Further, because of this delay, I'm not sure exactly which State I am seeking to represent in the Senate either. I might seek employment in the private sector again and that might require a relo to another State, and a return to Air National Guard drill status. Though I'd rather not do that. I've become quite attached to Colorado, and the only downside is the distance it puts between us and my wife's family.


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