talking smack to power
I received a fundraising letter recently, and I wrote this in reply instead:
Dear Senator Thomas and the Wyoming GOP:
Thank you for your recent letter seeking my support for the Republican Party.
Before I can commit financial support, I need to become more familiar with the Party’s legislative agenda, both in my new home State and in the US Congress.
I am very concerned that Social Security privatization has stalled, and that our President, fine man though he is, has not summoned the necessary support from the GOP to pass this legislation. It is also troubling that the GOP-led Congress is on a spending jag that rivals the bloated budgets of past Democrat-controlled Congresses. As a serviceman, I make only so much money, but I donate what I can and I make it count. I can’t give you any if that money continues to be taxed away from me, borrowed by Congress and spent foolishly. Please look at Porkbusters, then look deep into the appropriations for Wyoming and pare what you can: there’s a war on.
The right to keep and bear arms is also important to me. With a GOP-led Congress in place for years, the RKBA should be enjoying a renaissance; yet the misnamed Assault Weapon Ban barely missed reauthorization, and replacement parts for these arms cannot be imported. BATFE is a rogue agency. Guns were seized from Katrina-flooded homeowners---by National Guardsmen! Lukewarm GOP support for my RKBA is scarcely better than the open hostility of Democrats. Please talk to the Firearms Coalition about their legislative agenda, and make it yours.
I’d like to help you, sincerely, but I need to know the GOP’s plans. and their will to execute them.